Sullivan v. Max Spann Auctions
The 3 day attorney review clause does NOT apply to auction sales.
Samolyk v. Berthe
Rescue Doctrine affords a cause of action for one who attempts to rescue another person from self-created peril. The claim fails when the to rescued is personal property - in this case the family dog.
After nearly 20 years on the NJ Supreme Court, Justice Barry Albin turns 70 on July 7, 2022 and hits mandatory retirement. Check out all of his opinions via Google Scholar (it will take awhile) and a few facts on Wikipedia.
Please consider giving the BOLD SIDEBAR 5-star Rating where you listen to Podcasts. Check out our sound engineer Nick Bates at: Bandcamp - and Twitter -
Sullivan v. Max Spann Auctions
The 3 day attorney review clause does NOT apply to auction sales.
Samolyk v. Berthe
Rescue Doctrine affords a cause of action for one who attempts to rescue another person from self-created peril. The claim fails when the to rescued is personal property - in this case the family dog.
After nearly 20 years on the NJ Supreme Court, Justice Barry Albin turns 70 on July 7, 2022 and hits mandatory retirement. Check out all of his opinions via Google Scholar (it will take awhile) and a few facts on Wikipedia.
Please consider giving the BOLD SIDEBAR 5-star Rating where you listen to Podcasts. Check out our sound engineer Nick Bates at: Bandcamp - and Twitter -