The Bold Sidebar

Mode of Operation Rule plus More Miranda and OPRA


Jeter v. Sam's Club - “mode of operation” does not apply where the grapes are in closed containers versus open top bags; trail court not to handle motions in limine as dispositive motions

Rivera v. Union County Prosecutor's Office - Common law right to demand Internal Affairs investigation report - redacted for confidentiality even when prohibited under OPRA

State v. Anthony Sims, Jr. - Miranda process must include clear statement about charges - no need for police to predict other future charges; preliminary hearing testimony - witness subject to cross examination by defense - meets requirement for admission under the Confrontation Clause

Congrats to Bruce Greenberg - 2,000 Posts on the Blog

The 2,000th Post on This Blog: The Anniversary of Campbell v. Department of Civil Service
By Bruce D. Greenberg on Apr 01, 2022 05:34 pm

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