The Bold Sidebar

NJ Supreme Ct Nominee Rachel Wainer Apter + 4 New Opinions

Jeff J Horn

Governor Murphy nominates to replace retiring Justice LaVecchia on the NJ Supreme Court. Nominee Apter’s credentials include a perfect 1600 on the SAT, Penn undergrad, Harvard Law School, US S Ct clerkship with Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Ms. Apter’s practice has included big time litigation such as:

Gay Wedding Cake Case

Apple v. Samsung

Detained Immigrants and Separated Family cases


State v. Outland - McDonald's robbery with a fake gun. Defendant’s right to represent himself at trial.  Remanded for a new trial where the defendant can represent himself. 

Haley v. Board of Review - Arrested and detained for two months State dismisses all charges. Unemployment benefits denied.  Remanded for reconsideration of the claimants entitlement to benefits.

State v. Dunbrack and Rodriguez - Failure to add a lesser-included offense to a vicious robbery – namely theft not plain error. Conviction Affirmed.

State v. Maisonet - Last Minute to request a trial adjournment in order to explore the possibility of hiring private defense counsel denied. Conviction Affirmed. Defendant offered in conclusion be reasons and no likelihood of actually securing alternate counsel to undertake his murder trial defense in a timely fashion.

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